Tuesday 26 June 2012

You Should Be There

You Should Be There
         Imagine that you are sitting alone in a park when you are sixty years old in a beautiful afternoon. What will you recall to mind in this situation? The happiest time with your families? The worst days in your life? The most important contribution you made? Maybe these scenes will follow through your mind like a movie. You will feel the smiles, the pain, again and again. Even the stone you are sitting on you can remember . It is exactly the one your 5-year-old son jumped off thirty years ago. At that time he was yelling and laughing. Why can you recall these scenes? Because you are there. If you are not there, nothing for you and nothing for the others.
       If you are absent for the moments in your children's childhood, the absence is forever. Crisanta Sampang worked as a maid in Singapore and Canada and left her three little daughters in her hometown. She worked hard and benefited the family a lot: posted money back, presented the lastest fashion goods, sent her children to a better school. After working overseas for twenty-two years. She found out that she could not make up for her absence during her daughters' childhood. She missed the time she should have been staying besideher daughters, she missed their birthday parties, missed Christmas dinners, missed thousands hugs. She was not there during scenes. Blank will be foreven for her for these moments. Pity will be foreven for her daughters without their mother during these moments.
        Parents are always the best friends and teachers of their children. You need not tell them what to do. You just need to live with them and do as you should do They will learn from you during their daily life. Children whose mother had gone away to work in another country, always met problems: many of them display tendenciers toward materialism because their mothers bought presents to make up for the absence. Many of them showed bad school performance or drup addition. Without parents taking care of their children, the chidren feel that is hard to tell bad from good behaviours. Like a little tree needs surpports and pretection hen it is young.  Even though some of them did well in school, we still cant figue out the effects made by the absence of the parents. One of Crissaant Sampang daughter -Maricel, who suddeny married a man fifteen years older than hersef and left her baby to work overseas as her mother. Maybe it was one of the effects.
         Time is a one-way travel. You cannot go back and revert. If you are absent from the occasions, you are absent forever. You left the children aside, they grow up by themselves. So, if you have any choice,  stay beside your children, just stay with them-you should be there.

Monday 30 April 2012

Aboriginal Poverty in Canada

I like the video "They Don't Care About Us ", for three reasons:
First, the music sounds excellent and meaningful.
Second, the information shocked me. How did these issues happened in Canada? I almost can't believe my eyes.  1 in 4 First nations children live in poverty. Suicide accounts for 38% of all deaths for First Nations youth aged 10-19.
Third, the pictures make a deep impression on me. The pictures are telling hopeless, and sad stories.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Keeping Using Chinese Language Gets Advantages

Keeping Using Chinese Language Gets Advantages
When you listen to radio, you will at least hear one news is about China; When you go shopping, you will find most of the clothes, shoes are made in China; When you walk out in the street in Toronto, you will find half of the people you meet maybe Chinese. So, think about it, you may figure out easily: Chinese immigrants in Canada who keep using Chinese language will get many advantages.
First,keeping use Chinese language may get more chances for the future. As you know, nowhere on this planet is the attraction to global market followers than in the world's most populous country, China-with more than 1.4 billion people. Using Chinese language absolutely is helpful for finding chances in China. Furthermore, Canadian companies are looking for opportunities in China to grow their business. For example, Canadian energy companies, industrial goods and materials products will find their customers in China. They need a huge number of employees who can speak Chinese. Last, more and more Chinese are travelling around. Some Chinese are coming to Canada s immigrants. They need service in Chinese language.  For instance, in the year 2010, there are more than thirty thousands Chinese immigrants into Canada. Similarly, there are 140 thousands Chinese travellers visited BC province in the year 2011. All these people need Chinese language service. In brief, by using Chinese language, you can develop a global perspective on your future and get more opportunities. 
Second, keeping using Chinese language you may get more reaction. Firstly, many Chinese movies and songs are good. For example, the movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" is wonderful. The Chinese folk song "Jasmine" is also amazing. If you can enjoy them in Chinese, you will get more sense. Secondly, using Chinese language will get you travel in China freely. As you know, China is a huge country as Canada. There are thousands beautiful places are valuable to visit. You may easily think out many famous places such as: the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, City  Xi An and Shang Hai. What  wonderful thing if you may travel these places with using Chinese language freely. Thirdly, you may find tons of interesting stories the Chinese long history. China is a country with an ancient civilisation with more than five thousand years. Tremendous historical stories will amuse you. In short, using Chinese Chinese language will make you enjoy your leisure time better.
Third, keeping using Chinese language will benefit you from the Chinese culture. When a person is using a language, they will get well known about the culture. First of all, knowing well about the culture do help for the business make a deal with Chinese people. To illustrate, Canadian negotiators tend to say NO if they mean no. But Chinese negotiators usually say MAYBE when they mean no. Furthermore, in Chinese culture, it believes creating a happy life and bright future through hard work. Following this, you will live more actively. On the other hand, Chinese culture contains proverbs, which may give you life experiences or advices. For one thing, a Chinese proverb " It's more meaningful to travel over tens of thousands of miles than to read tens of thousands of books". It courages young people go out connect with the social to get experience. Using Chinese language and knowing Chinese culture, you will get advantages.
To sum up, Chinese immigrants have a Chinese background. Their parents or ancestors came from China. It is easier for them to keep using Chinese language and making sense about Chinese culture. Keeping using Chinese language you will get more chances for your business or career. At the same time you may get more interesting things in your spare time. And you will get advantages from the Chinese culture. So, why not keep using it?